You can use the parking space of AEON Mall, Tokoname.
Is it open in case of rain?
It is open. However, in case of bad weather accompanying strong wind, heavy rain or thunderstorm and if it is judged that our facility can’t be used with safety, the operation will be stopped, Please check here about the operation status.
Is there a instructor who accompany visitors?
Our staffs are deployed to confirm the safe operation, but no instructors are available. Visitors are encouraged to do activities in each course by themselves. * We provide a lecture on safe use of our facility before you start.
What should I do if I feel sick in the middle of the course?
Don’t worry. We’ll dispatch our staff to support you.
Admission of a School Excursion or Visitors in a Group
Is there a special price discount offered for a school excursion or a group of general visitors?
There is a group discount. It’s possible to reserve on the day. But for a group of 40 persons or over, please make reservation well in advance. * You can do primary inspections.
Is there a special program designed for a group training?
Yes, we have one, but in such case the whole venue should be hired on a weekday. Please inquire us for details in advance. * You can do primary inspections.